Reservations for the next school year are accepted from April to the first concerts of the new season in autumn. We will gladly accept applications from both already seasoned concert-going students as well as new listeners.

When filling out the application laid out below, teachers, extra-curricular activity organizers and parents are encouraged to register the student for attending the cycle in the set time and age group of the event. This way the organizer knows that the class has guaranteed seats in the event even before the purchase of the season pass.

All concerts are held in the Riga Congress hall. The cost of the pass is 19 EUR per student for admittance to all four concerts.
After receiving the reservation application at the designated email address we will send a confirmation letter within one business day with more detailed information about the reservation and purchase of the pass.
If any questions arise before making the purchase, please call 26698338 or reach out through email to

  1. 1. If several classes will attend the concerts, we kindly ask that each class is registered separately with entering its number (class) and student count;
  2. 2. If several times of attendance are convenient for the students (for example, it would be possible to attend the concerts at both 12:00 and 14:00), several times should be selected in the application – we will specify the time of attendance in the confirmation of reservation;
  3. 3. The pass number helps differentiate between different concert days or the age group of the audience, the numeration is used only to simplify the process of picking the most appropriate concert;
  4. 4. The teacher can only be sure of the students’ seat reservation in the desired concerts once the confirmation letter is received.

Apply for subscription

Information about the class

Add class

Teachers name and surname


By filling out this form you agree that VSIA Latvijas Koncerti processes your personal data solely for the purpose of communication of information on active reservations, changes in the concert schedule and other relevant information connected to the attendance of the Mūzika Tev concerts. In case that you do not want to enter personal data for communication purposes when making the reservation, we encourage carefully following all news related to the events as Mūzika Tev representatives will not be able to contact the reservation makers to directly inform about all important changes and pass on other relevant information.